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Six Cases Using “Sugar Needle” Acupuncture

19 mins read

Wang Shaobai, American TCM Society;

Tang Zhen or “Sugar Needle/Comfortable Acupuncture”[1], is a needling popular technique outside of China. It primarily uses thin, small-gauge needles with shallow insertion and no manipulation, and does not emphasize obtaining qi. In the course of treatment, the patient feels comfortable and relaxed, and may even fall asleep. The following are six case reports using this technique.

Alopecia areata

The patient was a 31-year-old female financial worker. On April 18th , 2017, she came to the clinic after 2 months of steroid hormone treatment for alopecia areata yielded no results. She presented with an elliptical area of hair loss that was bright and shiny, about 3 x 2 cm in size located between Mu Chuang [GB- 16], Zheng Ying [GB- 17], and Cheng Guang [BL-6] on the left side. She also reported lumbar pain, forgetfulness, cold hands and feet, an unusual taste in her mouth, and dysmenorrhea. Her tongue body was purple with a thin, dry yellow coat, and her pulse was sunken, fine, and weak. The diagnosis was liver qi depression, qi deficiency, qi stagnation, and blood stasis. Treatment mainly involved the selection of ashi (painful) points, using the Tang Zhen surround needling method1 for alopecia areata, plus Tang 12 Zhen [Sugar 12 Needles]2 , a heat lamp on the lower abdomen, and cupping on the back bladder channel. The patient was prescribed Free Wanderer Pill (Xiāo Yáo Wán), Eight-Gem Pill (Bā Zhēn Wán), and Hair Growth Tablet (Shēng Fà Piàn), and was instructed to use a plum blossom needle at home to tap on the affected ashi area for about 5 minutes each day, until the skin of that area became red. She was instructed to avoid raw, cold, and greasy foods. After 6 Tang Zhen treatments over 20 days, new hair started to grow; after 12 additional treatments over more than 2 months, the new hair had grown back completely. On May 29th , 2018, she returned to the clinic because of excessive work stress and for family plan- ning. After being instructed on paying attention to her “ovulation moment”3 and how to follow the “natural 24-hour policy” for conception4, she gave birth to a healthy baby boy in early March, 2019. Twenty days later, areas of hair loss appeared again near the left Zheng Ying [GB- 17] and left Nao Kong [GB- 19], with diameters of approximately 1 cm and 0.7 cm. After 2 visits to the clinic, she was unable to continue treatment due to a job trans- fer and childcare responsibilities, postponing her third visit until November 6th , 2021. At this visit, the areas of hair loss near the left Zheng Ying [GB-17] and left Nao Kong [GB- 19] remained as described above with no signs of worsening. The patient reported excessive stress, headache, neck pain, lumbar pain, abdominal distension, and frequent urination. Her tongue was pale and slightly dark purple in color, and her pulse was sunken, fine, and weak. The diagnosis and treatment were the same as her first visit, but results appeared more quickly: she saw results in 6 Tang Zhen treatments over 20 days and after 5 more treatments, new hair had grown back completely. She left a message expressing her gratitude for TCM and acupuncture.

Note: I see many financial workers; they often have significant stress, which causes a wide variety of health problems. Alopecia areata and alopecia universalis are very common, and respond well to Tang Zhen treatment.

PCOS and infertility

The patient was a 35-year-old female whose last period was on December 17th , 2012. Her first visit to the clinic was on January 5th, 2013 for type-1 polycystic ovary syndrome. She presented with mild facial acne, and reported menstrual irregularities, a preference for warmth and aversion to cold, cold hands and feet, a tendency to sweat easily, and occasional constipation. Her tongue was bluish purple, and her pulse was stringlike, fine, and slow. She was treated with Tang 12 Zhen plus Fu Ke [Tong 11.24], Huan Chao [Tong 11.06], Zhi San Zhen [Intelligence Three Needles]5 , Si Shen Zhen [Four Magic Needles]6 , Mian San Zhen [Sleeping Three Needles]7 , or Yao San Zhen [Lumbar Three Needles]8 and Zhong Bei San Zhen [Mid Back Three Needles]9 . A heat lamp was used on the lower abdomen or mid back and lumbosacral area, and cups were used on the back bladder chan- nel. She was instructed to avoid raw and cold foods. By August 20th , 2013, after 7 Tang Zhen treatments over 7 months, her PCOS symptoms had disappeared. On October 11th , 2016, after 1 year of unsuccessfully attempting to conceive along with a four-month history of insomnia and anxiety, she returned to the clinic requesting help with family planning. Her symptoms were the same as before, except she no longer presented with acne, and she reported new symptoms of heart vexation and irritability. The treatment was the same as before. She was instructed to pay close attention to the “ovulation moment” and follow the “natural 24-hour policy” for conception. On October 24th, 2017, after a total of 16 treatments, she was able to conceive naturally. Due to a lack of attention, she became overworked and miscarried in her sixth week of pregnancy. After a total of 38 Tang Zhen treatments from December 14th, 2017, to July 10th , 2018, she successfully conceived. To prevent miscarriage, she was treated with Pai Luan Hou Zhen [Post-Ovulation Needles]10 once per week for 3 weeks. On May 4th, 2022, she came to the clinic 3 times for tennis elbow (elbow taxation) and reported that after her previous treatments, she had given birth to a healthy baby girl who is now 3 years old.

Note: In this case, the patient was not compliant in taking TCM herbs; she refused herbal treatment and achieved results with Tang Zhen treatments alone. There are many patients like this, as many Americans have more confidence in needles than herbs and may even be afraid to take any kind of medication.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome, cervical spondylosis, and anxiety

The patient was an 18-year-old female student. She came to the clinic on July 30th , 2015 after having experienced irritable bowel syndrome and anxiety for 10 months. She was dissatisfied with the results from Western medical treatments. She reported alternating constipation and diarrhea, with more diarrhea than constipation, as well as abdominal distension, borborygmus, lack of appetite, and frequent clamoring stomach. These were accompanied by discomfort in the neck, back, and lumbar joints. She typically felt stressed and got nervous easily, reporting dizziness, lack of strength, a tendency to heart vexation, chest and rib-side distension and pain, menstrual irregularities, dysmenorrhea, and occasional frontal headaches. She preferred warmth and was averse to cold, especially on her hands and feet. Her tongue was pale and slightly dark purple in color, and her pulse was slightly rapid. Her older sister had a similar medical history. Palpation of points found noticeable pressure-pain on the cervical vertebrae and the right Huan Tiao [GB-30]. There were positive reactions to the head-tap [Spurling foraminal compression test] and hand-pull [Eaten/brachial plexus traction] tests, with the right side more severe than the left. Treatment consisted of Tang 12 Zhen plus Zhi San Zhen, Si Shen Zhen, bilateral Tian Shu [ST-25], Shang Ju Xu [ST-37] and Xia Ju Xu [ST-39], ashi points, or Man Tian Xing Zhen [Sky Full of Stars Needles]11 , as well as Zhong Bei San Zhen [Mid Back Needles] and Yao San Zhen [Lumber Needles] with modifications. A heat lamp was used on the periumbilical area of the abdomen, the neck and upper back, or the mid-back. Cupping was performed on the back bladder channel. The patient was given Eight-Gem Pill (Bā Zhēn Wán), Free Wanderer Pill (Xiāo Yáo Wán), Po Chai Pill (Bǎo Jì Wán), and Agastache/Patchouli Qi-Righting Pill (Huò Xiāng Zhèng Qì Wán). She was also instructed to avoid raw, cold, greasy, acrid, spicy, fried, overly sweet, and baked foods. By August 11th , 2018, after 17 treatments over the course of 1 year, her condition had fully resolved. All findings were normal at a follow-up five years later.

Note: This patient’s family shared a nervous disposition and vulnerability to stress. On August 28th , 2021, she came to the clinic for neck and shoulder discomfort. The diagnosis was still cervical spondylosis. After 1 week with 3 treatments involving the Man Tian Xing Zhen [Sky Full of Stars Needles] method and a heat lamp on the neck and upper back, her symptoms resolved. On April 16th, 2022, she came to the clinic for a stiff neck, which resolved in 1 treatment with Jing San Zhen [Neck Three Needles]12, a-shi points, Jian Zhonghu [SI-15], Jian Wai Shu [SI-14], and Wai Guan [TB-5]. All 4 members of her family came for treatment and obtained good results. Her father suffered from cervical spondylosis as well as lack of strength, coronary heart disease, and left-sided chest, rib-side, and back pain that was especially noticeable in the triangular area between the points Bu Rong [ST-19], Liang Men [ST-21], and Ri Yue [GB-24]. Her mother had menopausal syndrome, while her older sister had severe dysmenorrhea, lower abdominal pain, dizziness, lack of strength, nausea, vulvodynia, menstrual irregularities, excessive stress, a nervous disposition, anxiety, and lack of appetite. All of these conditions were resolved by Tang Zhen treatment, and her father felt that his coronary heart disease also improved.

Dry eyes, scoliosis, chronic pelvic pain, and lumbar pain

The patient was a 35-year-old female registered nurse at Weill Cornell Medical College. On February 4th , 2020, she came to the clinic after experiencing dry eyes for 1 year, with a history of scoliosis, chronic pelvic pain, and lumbar pain that had lasted more than 15 years and had worsened in the past year. Prior visits to urologists and orthopedists had yielded no results. She reported that after prolonged use of her eyes, she would get pain, itching and burning in both eyes. She also reported frequent urination, lumbar pain, and bilateral groin pain. All of her symptoms worsened with exposure to cold. The tongue body was pale and slightly dark purple, and the pulse was sunken, fine, and weak, with the proximal positions hidden bilaterally. She typically felt stressed and preferred warm environments, and she caught colds easily. Her lab results were positive for Enterococcus urofaecalis (treated with levofloxacin) and showed low vitamin D, high blood calcium, and high uric acid levels. Palpation of points found mild pressurepain on the segment of the controlling vessel below the umbilicus, and right-sided scoliosis of the vertebrae from T10 to L3. The Tang Zhen treatment used ashi points, Bei San Zhen [Back Three Needles]13, Zhong Bei San Zhen [Mid Back Three Needles], Yao San Zhen [Lumbar Three Needles], and Master Tung’s Jie Mei points [Tung 88.04, 88.05, 88.06] bilaterally, and a heat lamp and cupping on the back transport point area. The patient was instructed to avoid raw, cold, and greasy foods, as well as green tea. She was also instructed to use boiling water to steam her eyes at least once a day for at least 25 minutes each time14 . After 5 Tang Zhen treatments over 21 days, her symptoms disappeared. On February 25th, 2020, because her long-term complaints had resolved, she came to the clinic to ask about fertility issues. After being instructed on the ovulation moment and the natural 24-hour policy for conception, she was able to conceive easily. On March 20th , 2021, she reported the good news that she had given birth to a baby boy. On May 22nd, 2021, she returned to the clinic because of sensations of cold and discomfort in her lower abdomen that had persisted since she gave birth 2 months earlier. She was treated with ashi points, Yin San Zhen [Yin Three Needles]15, Shu Gan San Zhen [Soothe Liver Three Needles]16 , and a heat lamp on the lower abdomen. She was instructed to keep warm, and to avoid raw and cold foods. By the time the needles were removed, the cold pain had been alleviated and almost disappeared.

Common Cold

The patient was a 28-year-old female reporter from Finland who had worked in the United States for nearly 2 years. On October 25th, 2006, she came for her first intake to treat a cold, anxiety, and stress. Constitutionally, she preferred warm environments and caught colds easily ever since she was a child. Moving to a foreign country had made matters worse as she was not accustomed to the climate, so her colds had become more frequent, occurring once a month or every other month, and lingering for 2 weeks or up to a month. She also reported anxiety and stress. She had been treated by both TCM and Western practitioners in Los Angeles for over a year with no results. In the intake, she reported experiencing headache, nasal congestion, sore and swollen throat, and lack of strength for the past 2 days. The tongue was red with slightly dry yellow fur, and the pulse was slightly weak. She was treated using ashi points, bilateral Tai Yang [extra], Ying Xiang [LI-20], Shu Gan San Zhen [Three Needles to Soothe the Liver], Qu Chi [LI-11], Chi Ze [LU-5], Wai Guan [TB-5], She San Zhen [Tongue Three Needles]17 (needled deeply such that the patient felt a foreign sensation in the throat), Zu San Li [ST-36], Guan Yuan [CV-4], Lie Que [LU-7], and Zhao Hai [KD-6]. A heat lamp was used on the lower abdomen and cupping was done on the back bladder points. By November 4th, 2006, after 4 treatments, the cold symptoms resolved. She caught another cold on December 19th , 2006, presenting with a sore and itchy throat, neck stiffness, a sensation of heaviness, lack of strength, abdominal distension, lack of appetite, insomnia, white slightly greasy tongue fur, and a slightly floating pulse. She was treated with Bai Hui [GV-20], bilateral Tai Yang, She San Zhen [Tongue Three Needles], Chi Ze [LU-5], Zhong Wan [CV-12], Feng Long [ST-40], and Shu Gan San Zhen, or Jing San Zhen, Bei San Zhen, Ganshu [BL-18], Pishu [BL-20], Wei Shu [BL-21], and Wei Zhong [BL-40]. A heat lamp was used on the lower abdomen or upper back, and cupping was done on the back bladder point area. At the same time, she was prescribed Agastache/Patchouli Qi-Righting Pill (Huò Xiāng Zhèng Qì Wán), Common Cold Remedy (Gǎn Mào Líng), and Berberine Tablet (Huáng Lián Sù Piàn). She was instructed to avoid acrid, spicy, and greasy foods as well as citrus fruits. After 2 treatments over 4 days, her symptoms resolved. On January 23rd , 2007, she caught a cold again with the same symptoms as on December 19th , 2006, except the lack of strength was more severe. She was treated as before and symptoms resolved after 2 treatments. She was instructed to take Eight-Gem Pill (Bā Zhēn Wán), 4 pills at a time, morning and night every day for 1 week. On January 24th , 2009, she returned to the clinic with a common cold, presenting with symptoms of headache, cough with yellow phlegm, and a red, swollen, and painful throat. She also reported pain on the lateral side of Li Nei Ting [EX-LE21] on the right. The tongue was red with thin yellow fur, and the pulse was floating and slightly rapid. She was treated using bilateral Tai Yang, She San Zhen [Tongue Three Needles], Qu Chi [LI- 11], Si Guan [Four Gates], Wai Guan [TB-5], Shao Shang [LU- 11], Lie Que [LU-7], and Zhao Hai [KD-6]. She was prescribed Andrographis Tablet (Chuān Xīn Lián Piàn), Berberine Tablet (Huáng Lián Sù Piàn), and Lonicera and Forsythia Toxin- Resolving Tablet (Yín Qiào Jiě Dú Piàn). She was instructed to avoid acrid, spicy, greasy, and fried foods as well as citrus fruits. After 2 Tang Zhen treatments in 4 days, the cold symptoms resolved, but the cough remained. The aforementioned treatment was repeated 1 more time with the addition of Chi Ze [LU-5], Zhong Fu [LU- 1], and Yun Men [LU-2]. After needling, the cough stopped. On July 13th , 2010, she returned after having a cold for the past 10 days with a Western medical diagnosis of bronchitis. Her symptoms included a cough with clear watery phlegm, headache, lack of strength, and occasional spontaneous sweating. The tongue fur was thin and white, and the pulse was floating. She was treated with Zhong Fu [LU- 1], Yun Men [LU-2], Chi Ze [LU-5], Tian Tu [CV-22], Shan Zhong [CV- 17], Lie Que [LU-7], and Si Guan [Four Gates], or Fei Shi Zhen [Lung Ten Needles]18 plus Wei Zhong [BL-40]. A heat lamp was used on the chest or upper back. She was prescribed Andrographis Tablet (Chuān Xīn Lián Piàn) and Common Cold Remedy (Gǎn Mào Líng), to be washed down with a tea of cilantro, fresh ginger, scallion, brown sugar, and fermented soybeans19. After 3 treatments, by July 17th , 2010 her symptoms had resolved. On May 17th, 2011, she returned with a cold, presenting with a swollen sore throat, headache, lack of strength, and stress. Treatment was the same as December 19th, 2006, and symptoms resolved after 2 treatments. On December 18th , 2012, because she felt her health had stabilized and started family planning, she returned looking for help with conception. She was instructed on the ovulation moment and following the natural 24-hour policy for conception. In early 2013, at the age of 35, she conceived naturally and smoothly delivered a healthy baby boy at the end of that year. Six years later, on June 18th , 2019, when she returned to the clinic for other complaints, she reported that she had given birth to a baby girl in 2015.

Note: The patient in this case came from Finland and worked in the United States for many years. Ever since she was a child, she had had a weak constitution and was often ill; this in combination with acclimating to a new environment caused her to frequently catch cold. She received 10 Tang Zhen treatments over 3 months, was prescribed TCM prepared medicines for the common cold and other conditions, drank tea made from cilantro, fresh ginger, scallion, brown sugar, and fermented soybeans, and made die- tary changes. Through this process of observation to determine the cause of the problems and adjusting the treatment in response, the patient’s physical weakness and frequent common cold symptoms were controlled, and her health was restored. Although in later years she would still catch colds, they were no longer as severe as before, so the patient felt greater confi- dence in her health. This is why she was able to start family planning, and she was able to successfully follow through and realize her goals with the help of Tang Zhen.


The patient was a 78-year-old female retiree. On June 7th , 2022, she came to the clinic with a 3 month history of cough, difficulty breathing, and a feeling that something was stuck in her throat, all of which improved with standing or sitting up, and worsened with lying down. She also reported symptoms of vertex headache, aversion to heat, preference for coolness, constipation, scanty urination, chest and abdominal distension and fullness, a tendency to heart vexation, and frequent sighing. The tongue tip was red, and the edges were pale and dark. The pulse was stringlike and slippery. She had experienced the same symptoms in the past, but they resolved spontaneously in a few days, while this time the symptoms lasted for 3 months with no sign of improvement. She denied having ever contracted COVID- 19. She had hypertension and glaucoma for many years, for which she took Lipitor, amlodipine, prednisone, timolol, and travoprost eye drops with no issues. Palpation of points found noticeable pressure-pain on Shan Zhong [CV- 17] and along the governing vessel and bladder channel from T7 to L2. The points Lian Quan [CV-23], Chi Ze [LU-5], Shu Gan San Zhen [Soothe the Liver Three Needles], Tai Xi [KD-3], San Yin Jiao [SP-6], Shan Zhong [CV-17], and bilateral Master Tung’s Xia San Huang [Lower Three Emperors, T 77. 18] were used in a Tang Zhen treatment lasting 40 minutes. The patient was also prescribed Moutan and Gardenia Free Wanderer Powder (Dān Zhī Xiāo Yáo Sǎn) to be taken 6 pills at a time twice daily and Gentian Liver-Draining Pill (Lóng Dǎn Xiè Gān Wán) to be taken 1 pill at a time twice daily. She was instructed to buy and steam oranges with salt to alleviate cough20 . After 1 treatment, the cough and other symptoms improved; after 3 treatments over 7 days, the cough was alleviated.

Note: In this case, the main complaint was cough, which actually resulted from wood rebelling against metal. How can one tell? The fact that the symptoms improved when standing or sitting up, and worsened with lying down, shows an excess of qi. Vertex headaches correspond to the Jue Yin [reverting yin] channel. Aversion to heat, preference for coolness, constipation, and scanty urination are caused by heat. Chest and abdominal distension and fullness, tendency to heart vexation, and frequent sighing are all signs of liver depression. Shan Zhong [CV-17] is the meeting point of qi; because the qi was depressed and stagnated, there was pressure pain at this point. Because of depression and stagnation in the channels and network vessels, there was pressure-pain along the the Tai Yang [greater yang] channel and governing vessel. Wood and metal were treated at the same time with a focus on wood, so the treatment was effective. The method for steaming oranges with salt to alleviate cough was learned from a patient and has been used with many patients to help treat cough with excellent results.


All points in this paper were needled unilaterally unless other- wise specified.

1. Tang Zhen surround needling method for alopecia areata: In the area of hair loss or an ashi area and 3-5 mm outside the mar- gin of these areas, needle perpendicularly with shallow insertion of 1-2 mm, leaving a space of 3-5 mm between the needles. There is no limit on the number of needles used; continue needling until the ashi area and marginal area are full. Retain the needles for at least 30 minutes.

2. Tang 12 Zhen: Qu Chi [LI- 11], He Gu [LI-4], Guan Yuan [CV-4], Zhong Ji [CV-3], bilateral Gui Lai [ST-29], Xue Hai [SP- 10], Zu San Li [ST-36], Yang Ling Quan [GB-34], San Yin Jiao [SP-6], Tai Xi [KD-3], and Tai Chong [LV-3]. With appropriate modifications, these points can treat a wide variety of conditions.

3. The ovulation moment, also known as the “moment when the fog thickens”: This comes from Jiyin Gangmu [A Synopsis of Gynecological Diseases] and is the same as what we now call the “ovulatory phase” . In a normal menstrual cycle, it should be in the middle of the month, i.e. the 13th or 14th day. At this time, the sex drive is strongest; the vaginal discharge is transparent like egg white and slippery, and it can be stretched in long strings like hair. Patients with fertility problems have an irregular ovulation moment that may be either too early or too late; it is not in the middle of the month. When treating these patients, it is necessary to first manage the menses for it to occur in the middle of the month.

4. The “natural 24-hour policy” for conception: Based on previ- ous months, the wife can estimate when her ovulation moment will occur. On the four days prior to the ovulation moment, both husband and wife abstain from sexual activity. If the 14th day is the ovulation moment, then the night of the 13th day is the best time for conception. Sexual intercourse at this time is most like- ly to result in pregnancy. During sexual intercourse, the wife should feel relaxed throughout, and the husband should be pa- tient and engage in sufficient foreplay to ensure that both part- ners achieve orgasm at the same time. This can be done for three days in a row with multiple sessions of sexual intercourse.

5. Zhi San Zhen [Intelligence Three Needles]: Shen Ting [GV- 24] + bilateral Ben Shen [GB- 13].

6. Si Shen Zhen [Four Magic Needles]: On the midline of the head, 5 cun above the anterior hairline, or at the midpoint of the line connecting the tips of the ears, 1.5 cun posterior, anterior, left, and right of Bai Hui [GV-20], with the tips of the needles

pointing away from each other.

7. Mian San Zhen [Sleeping Three Needles]: The main points are Si Shen Zhen (see above), Nei Guan [PC-6], and San Yin Jiao [SP-6]. These may be combined with Ding Shen Zhen [Settle Spirit Needles] (0.5 cun above Yin Tang; 0.5 cun above Yang Bai [GB-14] bilaterally), Shen Mai [BL-62], and Zhao Hai [KD-6].

8. Yao San Zhen [Lumbar Three Needles]: Shen Shu [BL-23], Da Chang Shu [BL-25], and Wei Zhong [BL-40].

9. Zhong Bei San Zhen [Mid Back Three Needles]: Among the eight points from Xin Shu [BL- 15] to San Jiao Shu [BL-22], choose three points to needle bilaterally based on the pattern diagnosis. If there is liver depression and qi stagnation, choose Ge Shu [BL- 17], Gan Shu [BL- 18], and DanShu [BL- 19]. If there is spleen and stomach disease, choose Gan Shu [BL- 18], Pi Shu [BL-20], and Wei Shu [BL-21].

10. Pai Luan Hou Zhen [Post Conception Needles]: Bai Hui [GV- 20], Si Shen Zhen, Tai Xi [KD-3] bilateral, Tai Chong [LV-3] bi- lateral, and heat lamp on both feet for 30 minutes. This may be used to treat all patients with fertility issues.

11. Man Tian Xing Zhen [Sky Full of Stars Needles]: Jian Jing [GB-21], TianZhu [BL- 10], Bai Lao [Extra point, neck], Da Zhu [BL- 11], Feng Men [BL- 12], Fei Shu [BL- 13], Jue Yin Shu [BL- 14], Xin Shu [BL- 15], Du Shu [BL- 16], Gao Huang [BL-43], Ge Guan [BL-46], Bing Feng [SI- 12], Tian Zong [SI- 11], and Wei Zhong [BL-40]. All points are bilateral.

12. Jing San Zhen [Neck Three Needles]: Tian Zhu [BL- 10], Bai Lao [extra neck], and Da Zhu [BL- 11].

13. Bei San Zhen [Back Three Needles]: Da Zhu [BL- 11], Feng Men [BL- 12], and Fei Shu [BL- 13].

14. Eye steam with boiling water: boil at least 3 liters of water and transfer it to a container while it is still hot. Then adjust the position of the container of water so that it is centered between the eyes. While maintaining a comfortable distance between the water and the patient’s eyes, progressively decrease the distance between the water and the eyes. One must not go too close or stay too far away, so as to avoid burns from the hot water while ensuring the temperature is warm enough to be effective. One can add chrysan- themum (jú huā), Lonicera and Forsythia Toxin-Resolving Tablet (yín qiào jiě dú piàn), or other TCM herbs as needed to strengthen

the effect.

15. Yin San Zhen [Yin Three Needles]: Gui Lai [ST-29], Guan Yuan [CV-4], and San Yin Jiao [SP-6].

16. Shu Gan San Zhen [Soothe Liver Three Needles]: He Gu [LI- 4], Tai Chong [LV-3], and Yang Ling Quan [GB-34].

17. She San Zhen [Tongue Three Needles]: Shang Lian Quan (1 cun above Lian Quan [CV-23]); and the two points 0.8 cun to the

left and right of Shang Lian Quan.

18. Fei Shi Zhen [Lung Ten Needles]: Da Zhui [GV- 14], Tao Dao [GV- 13], Feng Dao (in the depression below the spinous process of the second thoracic vertebra), Shen Zhu [GV- 12], Da Zhu [BL- 11], Feng Men [BL- 12], and Fei Shu [BL- 13], bilateral, 10 points in total.

19. Cilantro, fresh ginger, scallion, brown sugar, and fermented soybean tea: 50 g fresh cilantro (chopped), 50 g fresh ginger (sliced), 50 g white scallion (chopped), 30 g brown sugar, 50 g fermented soybeans. Boil 750 mL of water. Once the water is boiling, add the fermented soybeans and cook for 10 minutes. Then add the remaining ingredients and cook for 30 seconds. Remove the pot from the burner and let it sit until it has cooled enough to be able to drink, then drink it immediately. It can be taken once, twice, or three times daily.

20. Method for steaming oranges with salt to alleviate cough:Wash 1 orange and cut it in half. Sprinkle a small amount of salt on the cut edge of 1 half. The amount of salt used should be intermediate between what one considers salty and bland. Then put the halves of the orange together and place them in a pan so that the cut edge is parallel with the ground. Then put the pan in a steamer and steam it for 25 minutes. After it has cooled, squeeze out the orange juice and drink all of it. This should be done once in the morning and once at night for 7 consecutive days. It is very effective for stopping coughing.


[1] Wang Shaobai. Tang zhen—comfortable acupuncture [J]. Zhong yi yao dao bao, 2017,23(05):7-8+11.DOI:10.13862/j.cnki.cn43-1446/ r.2017.05.003.


美國中醫藥針灸學會 王少白

糖針-舒適化針灸,簡稱糖針[1],是海外 比對流行的一種針法。以細針輕針淺刺、無手法、不強調得氣為主,治療過程中患者感覺舒適放松、甚至進入睡眼狀態的一種針法。現報告病案6則。


女,31歲,金融工作者。2017年4月18日 因斑禿類固醇激素治療2月無效來診。症見左目窗、正營、承光之間有一直經3X2公分大小的橢圓形斑禿區,明亮發光。伴腰痛、健忘、手足涼感、口中異 味感,痛經,舌質紫暗苔乾薄黃、脈沉細弱。是為肝鬱氣虛氣滯血瘀,取阿是區為主,斑禿糖針圍針法1。加糖12針2,神燈小腹、吸杯背部膀胱經,配合逍遙丸、八珍丸、生髮片,及梅花針在家自行日叩刺阿是區5分鐘左右,以阿是區 頭皮變紅為度。囑禁生冷油膩食物。治療6次糖針20天後開始見新髮長出,再治療12次糖針2月餘後新髮完全長出。2018年5月29日因工作壓力過大及家庭計划再次來診,囑細心注意“的候”3及遵守 “自然成孕24小時原則”4,遂於2019年3初生一健康男嬰。20天後再次於左正營、左腦空出現約直徑1公分和0.7公分大小的斑禿來診兩次後因工作調動及照顧小孩未能堅持治療,直拖到2021年11月6日三次來診,左正營、左腦空斑禿如上無惡化,伴壓力大、頭痛、頸痛、腰痛、腹脹、尿頻,舌淡稍紫暗脈沉細弱。證治皆如首診但效果更快:6次糖針治20天後見效,再5次後新髮全部長出。遂留言感謝中醫針灸。按:看過很多金融工作者,常常壓力大,造成很多不同健康問題,斑禿、普禿非常常見,糖針效果很好。


女, 35歲,末次月經: 2012年12月17日。 2013年1月5日以1型多囊卵巢綜合症初診。刻診:面部輕度痤瘡、月經不 調、喜暖怕冷、手足涼感、容易汗出、 偶有便秘、舌藍紫脈弦細遲。糖12針加 婦科、還巢,智三針5 、四神針6 、眠三 針7 ,或腰三針8 、中背三針9 ,神燈小腹 或中背、腰骶,吸杯背部膀胱經。囑忌生冷寒涼之品。至2013年8月20日共治療7個月7次糖針後PCOS諸症消失。2016年10月11日以試孕一年未果,伴失 眠、焦慮4個月再次來診要求幫助家庭計划。刻診:除無痤瘡、增加心煩易怒 外諸症同上,治如上,囑細心注意“的 候”及遵守“自然成孕24小時原則”。至2017年10月24日共治療16次後自然懷孕。因未在意,勞累過度而於6週時流產。 2017年12月14日到2018年7月10日累計共糖針治療38次後懷孕。為防流產,以排卵後針10 ,週1次共治療3週。 2022年5月4日因網球肘(肘勞)3次來診時告知上次治療後生一健康女嬰,今女兒已3歲。按:本例中藥依從性差,拒服中藥,單 純糖針治療取效。此類病人甚多。因為很多數美國人信針不信藥、甚至懼怕任何藥物。


女,18歲,學生,2015年7月30日以腸易激綜合徵、焦慮10個月、西醫治療療 效不滿意就診。刻診:便秘泄瀉交替但 瀉多秘少、腹脹腸鳴、納呆、胃常嘈雜,伴頸腰背關節不適,平時有壓力、易緊張、頭暈、乏力、易心煩、胸脅脹痛、月經不調、痛經、偶有前額頭痛,身體一向喜暖怕冷、手足尤甚,舌淡稍 暗紫、脈稍數。姐姐有類似病史。揣穴:頸椎、右環跳壓痛明顯,擊頭、拉手試驗陽性反應、右甚於左。治以糖12 針加智三針、四神針、天樞雙、上下巨虛、阿是穴,或滿天星針11、中背三針、腰三針加減,神燈臍週腹部或頸上背、中背,吸杯背膀胱經,配合八珍丸、逍遙丸、保濟丸、藿香正氣丸,並囑忌生冷寒涼油膩辛辣油炸及過甜和烘焙之品。至2016年8月11日一年共治17 次愈。隨訪5年一切正常。

按:本病人有家族性易緊張、壓力大問題。 2021年8月28日來治頸肩不適,診斷仍為頸椎病,經滿天星針法加神燈頸上背部治療1週, 3次愈。 2022年4月16 日來診落枕,以頸三針12、阿是、肩中 俞、肩外俞、外關,一次愈。其全家共 4人均來看病並均取得好的效果。其父患頸椎病、乏力、冠心病、左胸脅背痛 以不容、梁門、日月所搆三角區域為明顯等;其母患更年期綜合症;其姐患嚴 重痛經、小腹痛、頭暈、乏力、噁心、 外陰疼痛、月經不調、壓力大易緊張、 焦慮納差等,均為糖針治愈,冠心病亦 自覺有幫助。


女, 35歲,韋爾康奈爾醫院註冊護士。 2020年2月4日因乾眼症1年,脊柱側彎、慢性骨盆腔疼痛、腰痛15年餘加重1年來診。泌尿科、骨傷科等診治無效。刻診:視物長久則雙目灼痛、癢,尿頻、腰痛,雙腹股溝疼痛,諸症遇冷加重,舌質淡、稍紫暗,脈沉細弱、雙尺伏。平時常有壓力,體喜歡溫暖環境,並容易感冒。實驗室報告,尿糞腸球菌陽性(以左氧氟沙星治療)、低維 生素D 、高血鈣、尿酸鹽高。揣穴臍下任脈段輕度壓痛、胸11到腰3右側脊柱側彎。糖針阿是穴、背三針13、中背三針、腰三針、董氏姊妹穴雙側,神燈、吸杯背俞穴區,並囑禁生冷寒涼油膩綠茶之品,同時每日開水薰眼14至少一次,每次至少25分鐘。治療21天5次糖針後症狀消失。 2020年2月25日因長期病痛消失而來咨詢求子問題,囑尊的候及自然成孕24小時原則行事後順利懷孕。 2021年3月20日報喜順利生一男嬰。 2021年5月22日產後兩月內終覺小腹冷痛不適再次來診,以阿是穴、陰三 針15、舒肝三針16,神燈小腹,並囑注意保暖禁生冷寒涼之品。針出冷痛緩解幾消失。


女, 28歲,記者,芬蘭人美工作已近兩年。 2006年10月25日因感冒、焦慮、壓力初診。

平素喜暖環境,自小就容易感冒,加上 來到異國,水土不服,感冒更加頻繁,每月一次或隔月一次,每次遷延兩週甚至一月,並有焦慮、壓力,在洛杉磯已中西醫治療年餘,未效。刻診:頭痛鼻塞、咽喉腫痛、乏力兩天,舌紅苔黃稍 乾脈稍弱。取阿是穴、雙側太陽、迎香、舒肝三針、曲池、尺澤、外關、舌三針(深刺至咽喉有異物感)、足三里、關元、列缺、照海。神燈小腹、吸 杯背俞穴。至2006年11月4日共治療4次,感冒症狀消失。 2006年12月19日再次感冒,症見:咽痛咽癢、頸項強硬 感、身重乏力、腹脹納呆、失眠,舌苔 白稍膩,脈稍浮。取百會、雙側太陽、 舌三針17、尺澤、中脘、豐隆、舒肝三針,或頸三針、背三針、肝俞、脾俞、 胃俞、委中,神燈小腹或上背,吸杯背俞穴區。同時配合藿香正氣丸、感冒靈、黃連素片,並囑禁辛辣油膩、柑橘類水果食物。4天治療兩次後諸症消失。 2007年1月23日再次感冒,症狀如2006年12月19日,惟乏力更甚,治如上,2次症狀消失,囑服八珍丸4粒,日早晚各一次一週。2009年1月24日感冒來診,症見頭痛、咳嗽黃痰、咽喉紅腫 疼痛、右側裏內庭外側疼痛,舌紅苔薄 黃、脈浮稍數,取雙側太陽、舌三針、 曲池、四關、外關、少商、列缺、照海,配合穿心蓮片、黃連素片、銀翹解毒片,並囑禁辛辣油炸食物及柑橘類水果。 4天2次糖針治療後,感冒症狀消失,咳嗽未除。再針1次如上,但加尺 澤、中府、雲門。針後咳止。 2010年7月13日感冒咳嗽10天,西醫診為支氣管 炎來診,症見:咳嗽吐痰清稀、頭痛乏 力、偶自汗出,苔薄白、脈浮,取中府、雲門、尺澤、天突、膻中、列缺、 四關,或肺十針18加委中,神燈胸或上背部,配合穿心蓮片、感冒靈、以香菜 生薑蔥紅糖豆豉茶19送服。至2010年7月 17日三診後痊愈。2011年5月17日因感冒咽喉腫痛、頭痛、乏力,壓力等症治 如2006年12月19日方,兩次愈。2012年 12月18日開始因自感身體已調養健康而 開始家庭計划,要求針灸助孕,囑掌握的候、遵自然成孕24小時原則, 2013年初35歲時自然懷孕並於年底順產一健康男嬰。 6年後2019年6月18日再次來診其他不適,得知2015年生一健康女嬰。按:本例病人從芬蘭來美工作數年,由於自幼體弱多病、加上水土不服,因此頻繁感冒,經3個月10次糖針配合感冒等中成藥及香菜生薑蔥紅糖豆豉茶、飲食調理等觀其脈證、知犯何逆、隨證治 之後,體弱、頻繁感冒狀況得以控制並逐漸回復正常。雖然後來的數年仍有感冒,但已今非昔比,患者因此對自己的身體回復了信心。所以才有了後來的家庭計划,在糖針的幫助下成功付諸實施和目標實現的情況。


某女, 78歲,退休, 2022年6月7日以咳 嗽、呼吸不暢、如梗在咽,站立或坐下 好轉、躺下加重3月就診,伴巔頂頭痛、怕熱喜涼、便秘、小便少、胸腹脹 滿、易心煩、善太息,舌尖紅、邊淡暗,脈弦滑。之前曾有同樣症狀,但數 日即好,不似本次已3月仍未有好轉跡象。否認曾患過新冠疾病。患高血壓、青光眼多年,一直使用立普妥、氨氯地 平,強的松、第莫洛、曲伏前列素眼藥水治療無大礙。揣穴:膻中及胸7到腰2間督脈、膀胱經壓痛明顯。即取廉泉、尺澤、舒肝三針、太溪、三陰交、膻中、董氏雙側下三皇 穴,糖針法40分鐘。同時給丹梔逍遙丸每次6粒每 日兩次、龍膽瀉肝丸每次1粒每天兩次,並囑買使用橙子鹽蒸止咳法20。一次咳嗽等好轉,共治療七 天,糖針三次後咳嗽消失。

按:本例以咳嗽為主訴來診,實為木侮金,何以見得?站立坐下好轉、躺下加重,氣有餘也;巔 頂頭痛者,厥陰也;怕熱喜冷、便秘、小便少者 熱故也;胸腹脹滿、易心煩、善太息者肝鬱也;氣會膻中,氣滯氣鬱故壓痛;鬱滯經絡故太陽經、督脈壓痛。木金同治、治木為主,所以取效。橙子鹽蒸止咳法,從病人學得,使用於很多病人,輔助治療咳嗽,效極佳!



1. 斑禿糖針圍針法:在斑禿區/阿是區及邊緣外3- 5毫米以內區域進行直、淺刺1-2毫米,針距3-5毫米之間,針數不限,阿是區及邊緣區域針滿為止,留針至少30分鐘。

2. 糖12針,即曲池、合谷、關元、中極、雙側歸來、血海、足三里、陽陵泉、三陰交、太溪、太沖。適當加減,可治療多種雜病。

3. 的候亦稱氤氳之候:出自濟陰綱目,即今天所謂的“排卵期”。以正常月經週期算,當在月中,即第13或14天。這時候性欲最強、白帶透通 如蛋清、滑而拉絲如髮不斷。不孕症患者的候不規律,或提前或錯後,正好不在月中。治療時必須先調至月中。

4. 自然成孕24小時原則:妻子根據往月的經驗可測知自己的的候。的候前4天內夫妻雙方禁欲。如果第14日為的候,則第13天晚上為最佳成孕時間,此時性交最易懷孕。性交時要求妻子要始終放松,而丈夫要有耐心,做足前戲,使夫妻雙方同時達到高潮。可連續3天,性交數次。

5. 智三針:神庭 + 本神 *2 。

6. 四神針:在頭部,當前髮際線正中直上5寸,或兩耳尖連線的中點處百會前後左右各 1.5 寸,針尖向外刺。

7. 眠三針:主穴包括四神針、內關、三陰交,可以配用定神針(印堂穴上 5 分;陽白穴上 5 分,左右各一)、申脈、照海。

8. 腰三針:腎俞、大腸俞、委中。

9. 中背三針:心俞至三焦俞共八穴,依辨證情 況取相關三穴針雙側即可。如肝鬱氣滯取膈、肝、膽俞;脾胃病取肝、脾、胃俞等。

10. 排卵後針:百會、四神針、太溪雙、太沖 雙,神燈雙足部30分鐘。所有不孕症病人按此治療。

11. 滿天星針:肩井、天柱、百勞、大杼、風 門、肺俞、厥陰俞、心俞、督俞、膏肓、膈 關、秉風、天宗、委中,均雙。

12. 頸三針:天柱、百勞、大杼。

13. 背三針:大杼、風門、肺俞。

14. 開水薰眼:煮開水至少3升,趁熱將開水轉 入容器中,然後以雙眼部為中心調校開水中心,水和眼睛的距離以病人感覺舒適為度,並隨時縮短水至眼睛的距離,不可太近或太遠,以免溫度過高而燙傷或溫度過低而無效。並可根據需要加入菊花、銀翹解毒片或其他中藥,以增加療效。

15. 陰三針:歸來、關元、三陰交。

16. 舒肝三針:合谷、太沖、陽陵泉。

17. 舌三針:上廉泉(即任脈經穴廉泉上1寸上 方);上廉泉左右各 0.8 寸取穴。

18. 肺十針:大椎、陶道、風道(即第二胸椎 棘突下凹陷中)、身柱、大杼、風門、肺俞, 左右共計十穴。

19. 香菜生薑蔥紅糖豆豉茶:新鮮香菜(切碎) 50克,生薑(切片)50克,蔥白(切碎)50克,紅糖30克,豆豉50克。水750毫升,煮開後 擺入豆豉煮10分鐘,然後擺入其他材料再煮30秒,離火加蓋放至溫熱可飲後立即服用,日一次或兩次、三次。

20. 橙子鹽蒸止咳法:橙子一顆,洗淨後對半切開,在一半的切開面上灑鹽少許,鹽量以鹹淡適中量即可,然後將兩半合在一起,擺入碗中,使切面和地面平行,然後擺入開鍋的蒸籠中,蒸25分鐘後放涼,擠出橙汁,盡服之,早晚各一次,連續七天,有很好的止咳效果。


[1]王少白.糖針——舒適化針灸[J]. 中醫藥導報, 2017,23(05):7-8+11.DOI:10.13862/j.cnki.cn43- 1446/r.2017.05.003.

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