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Phenomenology and Traditional Chinese Medicine: Converging Ancient Wisdom and Modern Science

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Exploring Traditional Chinese Medicine

Column Introduction: Exploring Traditional Chinese Medicine is our insightful dialogue platform dedicated to the realm of traditional Chinese medicine. With every edition, medical experts at home and adrood to engage in dynamic conversations with our readers. We embark on an exploration of diverse subjects, including the confluence and innovative perspectives of traditional Chinese medicine with philosophy, methodologies, religious contexts, and other domains. shares their unparalleled insights and rich experiences. Through this column, we hope show the multifaceted, holistic, and contemporary relevance of traditional Chinese medicine for our esteemed readership.

Column Highlights:

1.Each Traditional Chinese Medicine Authority:

This is an interview with the Dr. Xiaoming Cheng of Osher Center of Integrative medicine in Harvard Uninversty. His profound expertise promises readers an immersive journey into the intricate world of traditional Chinese medicine.

2.Interdisciplinary Discourse: Our conversations traverse the realms of traditional Chinese medicine, philosophy, methodologies, phenomenology, religion, and more. This diverse exploration unearths novel connections and captivating themes.

3.Holistic Insight: Through these interdisciplinary dialogues, our goal is to offer a panoramic view of traditional Chinese medicines multifaceted nature. We aim to illuminate its profound significance and relevance within contemporary society.

Host:Professor Cheng, we are aware of traditional Chinese medicine, but could you please provide an introduction to phenomenological theory?

Professor Cheng: Phenomenology is a philosophical approach and methodology that underscores the significance of studying phenomena in their essence. It encourages us to transcend preconceived concepts and assumptions, and to uncover the authentic reality that lies beneath appearances. Phenomenology advocates direct exploration of subjective experiences and meticulous descriptions to attain a more profound comprehension. One could visualize it as an approach that starts from phenomena themselves, untainted by preconceived theoretical frameworks, and instead involves in depth observation of the characteristics, structure, and inherent meanings of the phenomena to gain understanding.

Host: It does have a certain air of mystery, and interestingly, it seems to share similarities with traditional Chinese medicine (laughter).

Professor Cheng: Indeed, the concept is rather graspable. Phenomenology serves as a tool for humans to observe, comprehend, and navigate the world around them. Across history, humans have employed this method either knowingly or unknowingly. Whether in times of limited knowledge during ancient civilizations or in today’s age of information abundance, individuals have adeptly utilized phenomenological principles to create diverse frameworks for comprehending disciplines, objects, and societal dynamics.

Host: So, essentially, we are using phenomenological theories in our daily lives. Now, could you shed light on how phenomenological theory is employed within the realm of traditional Chinese medicine?

Professor Cheng: In ancient times, when information accessibility was limited, people largely relied on observation and intuition to understand the external world. In this context, the phenomenological theory gained significant prominence. Ancient philosophers and scholars utilized phenomenological approaches to uncover the essence and patterns of phenomena through direct descriptions and perceptions. While phenomenological theory underscores the scrutiny and interpretation of phenomena, traditional Chinese medicine theory centers on the holistic observation and regulation of human phenomena.

Through the lens of phenomenology, we can delve deeper into the concepts of Yin and Yang, as well as the Five Elements in traditional Chinese medicine. This provides a means to elucidate their relationship with human experiences. For instance, in traditional Chinese medicine, practitioners assess an individual’s health status and formulate treatment strategies by examining indicators such as facial complexion and tongue appearance. Interestingly, this practice, grounded in intuition and observation, can be seen as an application of phenomenological theory in action.

Host: Professor Cheng, could you please provide a more detailed insight into how the phenomenological theory operates within the framework of traditional Chinese medicine? What exact role does it play in this context?

Professor Cheng: Certainly. In the realm of traditional Chinese medicine theory, the phenomenological theory manifests itself in three key dimensions. Firstly, it adopts a humancentered perspective. It stems from the wisdom, cognitive traits, and accumulated clinical knowhow of traditional Chinese medicine practitioners. Their distinctive modes of observation are also integral to this approach. This imbues traditional Chinese medicine theory with a distinctive sense of humanistic compassion.

Secondly, the phenomenological theory distills the observed manifestations encountered by traditional Chinese medicine practitioners. For instance, consider the concept of Yang, a wellknown principle in traditional Chinese medicine. I’ve distilled the essence of Yang by systematically abstracting its mental aspects, consciousness, behaviors, and outward expressions. This process forms the foundation of my understanding of Yang.

Thirdly, the phenomenological approach significantly influences the unique imagerybased cognition in traditional Chinese medicine. Take the description of the liver, for example. Employing a phenomenological perspective, the liver’s dynamic “images” in various human life activities are revealed, leading to an enhanced comprehension of its functions and intricate relationships with other tissues and organs. Stressing the body’s holistic nature and dynamic equilibrium, its various constituents are viewed as interconnected entities. The liver’s performance, such as its influence on visual acuity, its physical appearances, and its blood reservoir function, reflects its dynamic activities. By extracting, aggregating, and concretizing these specific phenomena, a methodological theory is developed. Naturally, similar methods apply to other organs like the kidneys, lungs, and spleen. These methods are believed to relate to emotions, decisionmaking capabilities, and blood circulation. When the energetic equilibrium of the liver is disrupted, it may impinge upon the functions of other bodily parts, potentially giving rise to various ailments.

By scrutinizing and analyzing the organs’ “appearances” within life activities, we can amass valuable information about the body’s health status and subsequently devise treatment strategies. It’s noteworthy that this approach underscores a holistic outlook, setting it apart from the organcentric analytical approach prevalent in modern medicine.

Host: It seems like we’ve just scratched the surface of a vast and intriguing topic today. Delving deeper into this subject might require more time. How about we initiate our exploration in earnest during our next interview?

Professor Cheng: Absolutely, our discussion today has merely brushed against the confluence of phenomenological theory and traditional Chinese medicine. There’s an abundance of nuanced conversations yet to be embarked upon. I’m eagerly anticipating our upcoming dialogue, where we can further navigate the intricate connections and potentials between traditional Chinese medicine and phenomenological theory. Irrespective of whether it’s the era of limited knowledge from the past or the present age of information overload, dialogues that span across time and space often usher in novel perspectives and inspirations. Let’s eagerly await our next conversation as we continue this voyage into an engrossing and promising domain.

Host: Our sincere gratitude, Professor Cheng! Your insights have been incredibly enlightening. Today’s conversation undoubtedly holds profound implications for our audience.

Professor Cheng: You’re very welcome. In our next discourse, we’ll delve further into the attributes and comprehension of phenomenological theory, alongside a comprehensive exploration of how traditional Chinese medicine theory aligns, manifests, and expands through the lens of phenomenology. Until then, take care and see you all in the next session! Thank you!





















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