Today: Feb 10, 2025
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Clinical Study of Severe Rhinitis with Chronic Inflammation By TCM

1 min read

Hongyan Li, Yifan Feng, Hongmei Li

Patient: 52 years Male patient,5‘6”, 156 Lb

Patient has had rhinitis with chronic inflammation for more than 25 years, He had antibiotics for many years when his Rhinitis was severe. Therefore he had sinus Surgery, but his symptoms came back shortly. He had greenish or yellowish nose secretion sometimes. He is unable to breath by nose without opening his mouth. He was even unable to smell at all for about 10 years, Eventually his ENT doctor referred him to our Acupuncture study.

PE: on his face, by the nose there are darkred spots, which is obviously he scraped his nose. There are 5 points of tenderness on the sinus areas, and lower border of the zygomatic arch on both side.

Method: Nose 3 needles( add 3 points locations or name of points), sinus head needle( add location or name of points), and puncturing Sphenopalatine Ganglion. patient comes 2 times a week for 2 weeks and then once a week

Herbal: xin yi san plus and minus. 2 times a day.

Results: after the 3 treatments, the patient started to smell. After 6 visits, the patient recovered.


Treatment of Rhinitis by puncturing Sphenopalatine Ganglion is a great creation and development on acupuncture therapy. To assess the clinical efficacy of acupuncture at the sphenopalatine ganglion for the treatment of patients with moderate to severe allergic rhinitis, many studies was done to test whether the acupuncture can regulate some function on perennial allergic rhinitis patients by puncturing sphenopalatine ganglion. It is shown that puncturing sphenopalatine ganglion can bring with a distinct effects on perennial allergic rhinitis and improve patients nasal ventilation and subject symptoms such as Nasal itching,sneezing,running nose,nasal block and nasal total symptoms,which were significantly improved.

However when a patient has complications with chronic inflammation, Nose 3 needles and sinus head needles are effective.

Due to surgery and secretion on sinuses , bacteria and fungi are easily grown in long term rhinitis so the Herbs is important to remove the dampness and inflammation.

About the Author:

Hongyan Li Senior acupuncturist Cedars-Sinai Medical Center,Los Angeles,CA.

Yifan Fang Acupuncturist Alternative medical center,Encino,CA.

Hongmei Li Senior acupuncturist

Cedars-Sinai Medical Center ,Los Angeles, CA.


李紅艷 馮一帆 李紅梅


患者患慢性炎症性鼻炎已超過25年,鼻炎嚴重時服用抗生素多年。 因此他接受过鼻竇手術,但他的症狀很快复发。 他有時鼻腔分泌物呈綠色或黃色。 他不張開嘴就無法用鼻子呼吸。 他甚至在大約 10 年的時間裡完全無法聞到氣味,最終,他的耳鼻喉科醫生將他轉介給我們的針灸研究。

PE:他的臉上、鼻子旁邊有暗紅色的斑點,很明顯是他擦鼻子所致。 鼻竇區、兩側顴弓下緣各有5個壓痛點。

方法:鼻3針、竇頭針、穿刺蝶腭神經節。 患者每週來 2 次,持續 2 週,然後每週來一次。

本草:辛夷散加減。 一天2次

結果:3次治療後,患者開始有異味。 6次就診後,患者痊癒。


針刺蝶腭神經節治療鼻炎是對針灸療法的重大創新和發展。 為評價針刺蝶腭神經節治療中重度變應性鼻炎的臨床療效,許多研究通過針刺蝶腭神經節來檢測針刺是否可以調節常年性變應性鼻炎患者的某些功能。 結果表明,穿刺蝶腭神經節對常年性、過敏性鼻炎有明顯療效,改善患者鼻腔通氣量,鼻癢、打噴嚏、流鼻涕、鼻塞、鼻總症狀等受試者症狀均有明顯改善。







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