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Xiao Wu

1 min read

Xiao Wu, Chinese Editor of the New England Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Licensed acupuncturist in Massachusetts, Ph.D. of Acupuncture, and Integrative Health (DAIH), Master of Massachusetts Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine School, Master of the University of Health Sciences and the New England School of Acupuncture.

Dr. Wu also received a medical degree from Guizhou Medical University and a doctorate in cancer pathology from Peking University Health Science School. She came to the United States in 2000, to complete postdoctoral research on anti-angiogenesis and stem cell regeneration in vascular disease at Harvard Medical School’s Boston Children’s Hospital.

吳曉 《新英格蘭中醫雜誌》中⽂編輯, 針灸碩士,美國馬薩諸塞州執業針灸中醫師,針灸與整合健康博⼠(DAIH)研究⽣。

吳曉医生擁有麻省藥學院與健康科學⼤學(NESA,MCPHS⼤學)新英格蘭針灸學校的針灸和東⽅醫學碩⼠學位。她⽬前正在 NESA、MCPHS ⼤學攻讀DAIH博⼠。此前,她獲得了貴州醫科⼤學的醫學學位和北京⼤學醫學部癌症病理學領域的博⼠學位。2000年,她來到美國,在哈佛醫學院波⼠頓兒童醫院,完成了癌症治療中的抗⾎管⽣成和⾎管疾病幹細胞再⽣的博⼠後研究。

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