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Hiccp Case Study

3 mins read

(Shuhuai He)(Bin He)

Patient: Italian, male, 60 years old

Occupation: Farmer

Initial consultation date: 4/3/2012

Chief complaint: Frequent episodes of hiccups for over 30 years

Current Medical History: About 30 years ago, following the death of a family member, the patient experienced excessive grief, and shortly thereafter he started experiencing bouts of hiccuping. Despite undergoing various medical examinations, no pathological changes were found. The patient tried multiple treatment methods, but the symptoms were not improved. At present, the symptoms are still ongoing, with continuous hiccups and no ability to control it. The hiccup sounds are deep and weak.

Belching attacks are related to psychological factors, and they worsen during periods of mental distress or depression. The hiccup episodes are related to mental factors, and worsen during periods of mental distress or depression. Additionally, the patient frequently experiences sadness, crying, loss of appetite, abdominal bloating, and frequent gas.

Clinical Examination: The patient has a thin body, with a pale complexion. His speech is subdued, and the sound of the hiccup is low and deep. He has a pale tongue 〖JP2〗with a thin white coating, and a pulse that is thin and wiry.

Diagnosis: Hiccups.

Pattern diagnosis: Liver qi stagnation with liver attacking the stomach, thus the stomach qi does not descend, the qi counterflows and moves the diaphragm, resulting in episodes of hiccups.

Treatment Principles: Dispers stagnant liver qi to relieving qi stagnation, and regulate the stomach to descend counterflow qi

Treatment Plan: Acupuncture points, Sishencong (EX-HN-1), Neiguan (P6), Zhongwan (Ren 12), Qihai (CV 6), Zusanli (ST 36), Gongsun (SP 4), Zhongkui (EX-UE-4).

Treatment Procedure: First, needle Neiguan with even reinforcing and reducing technique, and Gongsun with the reinforcing method. Then needle Sishencong using reinforcing and reducing techniques, with other points being treated with reinforcing methods. Apply moxibustion on Zhongkui point for 5 cones, leaving all the needles in for 30 minutes.

Follow-up Record: The patient was treated twice a week, and improvement was observed after four treatments. The patients mood gradually stabilized, and the hiccuping episodes decreased. After eight treatments, the hiccuping stopped. There were two additional consolidating treatments.

Analysis: Neiguan and Gongsun are confluence points for the eight extraordinary vessels. Neiguan is also the Luo point of the Pericardium channel, connected with the Yinwei Channel, and regulates the Zang-Fu organs, soothes the Liver, and promotes the generation of Earth by nurturing Fire. Gongsun is the Luo point of the Spleen channel, linking to the Chong Mai, which is the sea of the twelve channels, and it regulates deficiency and excess of the Zang-Fu organs, in this case helping to descend the counterflow central qi. These two points combined can address liver stagnation with counterflow stomach qi. The patient has suffered from hiccups for many years, with a quiet hiccup sound, which indicates insufficient central qi. By needling Zhongwan (CV12), Qihai (CV6), Zusanli (ST36), and Sanyinjiao (SP6) points in combination, it is possible to strengthen the spleen, boost qi, and regulate the ascending and descending movement of middle qi. “Zhongkui is an extraordinary point located on the dorsal side of the proximal interphalangeal joint of the middle finger, corresponding to the area of the diaphragm. It can harmonize stomach qi and reduce the ascending of the diaphragm. Yulong Fu (The Ode of the Jade Dragon, a compilation of treatments in verse form from the Zhen Jiu Da Cheng) contains the description:‘Zhongkui governs the overturning of the stomach, bringing immediate relief.’ Therefore, by combining various points, one can alleviate liver stagnation, invigorate the spleen, harmonize the stomach, and effectively alleviate hiccuping.”

Suffering from hiccups for 30 years, he used various treatments to no effect, and was then cured after eight treatments with acupuncture, which is an unusually good result. This success highlights the importance of accurate pattern identification, appropriate acupoint selection, and precise needling techniques in achieving positive outcomes even for challenging and chronic conditions, Just as stated in the chapter “Ling Shu · Nine Needles and Twelve Sources”: “For those who are skilled in using needles, treating illness is like removing thorns, cleaning dirt, unraveling knots, opening blockages. Even if the illness has been present for a long time, it can still be completely resolved. When it is said that a condition cannot be treated, it is because the technique has not yet been mastered.”

About the Author:

Shuhuai He,graduated from the Beijing Traditional Chinese Medicine College in 1963, he founded the Italian Qihuang Tradition Chinese medicine college in 2018, and serves as academic Dean.


何樹槐 何斌


主訴:呃逆30餘年, 發作頻繁。








操作:先針內關、公孫,內關平補平瀉,公孫補法。再針四神聰,平補平瀉,餘穴用補法。中魁穴艾炷灸 5壯,留針30分鐘。






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