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Explanation of the Local Massage Techniques

1 min read

(The Editorial Department)

Localized pain tuina is a relatively gentle traditional Chinese medical treatment method. This approach integrates traditional tuina techniques with the concept of trigger points, aiming to improve local blood circulation by accurately locating and stimulating pain points. Copper scraping therapy is a green traditional Chinese medical technique characterized by its simplicity, safety, and reliability. By repeatedly scraping and rubbing the surface of the affected area, different scraping patterns are formed on the skin surface due to the presence of pathogenic factors and sha toxins within the body. This method helps to promote the flow of qi and blood, as well as regulate the functions of the internal organs.


Press the shoulder area with fingers and select points that are sensitive to pressure and radiate outward as trigger points. These points are mainly located at the upper and lower edges of the deltoid muscle, acromion, acromial ligament, inferior angle of the scapula, spine of the scapula, upper outer edge, and lower angle of the scapula, among others. Patients assume positions corresponding to the aforementioned trigger points, and the therapist covers the trigger point with a piece of 4-layer gauze Using a tapping hammer, the therapist applies pressure to the trigger points and performs tuina massage with gradually increasing pressure, targeting deep tissue soreness.

This tuina technique is often combined with “gua sha” therapy. Patients sit down, expose the gua sha area, and apply gua sha oil evenly to the area. First, scrape the four points of the Governing Vessel on the back: Da Zhu, Da Zhu, Gao Mang, Shen Tang. Next, scrape the Du Meridian, Bladder Meridian, back, and shoulder, with special attention to scraping the shoulder yu points, shoulder zhen points, shoulder jing points, anterior shoulder points, shoulder outer shu points, shoulder middle shu points, shoulder liao points, arm yao points, yao shu points, Tian Zong, Bing Feng, Qu Yuan, Yao Hui, Hand Wuli, and the liver, spleen, and kidney projection areas. Finally, detoxify the palms of both hands and the soles of both feet. The scraping technique should be gentle and harmonious, with attention to maintaining warmth during the process. 2 hours per session, once a week, with a total of 4 weeks constituting one treatment course.


  1. Pain relief: Significant improvement in pain is observed after treatment, especially for nighttime pain that affects sleep. The need for pain medication to aid sleep is greatly reduced.
  2. Improved range of motion: Particularly beneficial for addressing limited movement caused by shoulder joint pain. Combined with personal exercise, this can effectively enhance functionality.
  3. Reduced reliance on disliked medications: Helps avoid potential liver and kidney damage caused by certain medications.



針對局部疼痛推拿是一種比較柔和的中醫治療方式,這種方法融合了傳統推拿手法和激痛點概念,通過準確定位疼痛點並給予刺激,以改善局部血液循環。銅砭刮痧是一種緑色中醫療法,具有操作簡單、安全可靠等特點,通過在患處體表進行反復刮拭,使體内的病邪和痧毒引起皮膚表面形成不同的痧象,從而起到疏通氣血、調節臟腑的功效 。


用手指按壓肩部,選取對壓痛敏感且向四周放射的點位作爲激痛點,主要位於三角肌、肩胛岡上下緣、喙肩韌帶、肩峰下、肩胛骨脊柱緣、外緣中上部、下角部等。患者取上述激痛點的相應體位,技師將一塊4 層紗布蓋在上述激痛點處,用叩診錘對激痛點進行按壓,並用由輕到重的力度進行推拿,以深部組織有酸脹感爲宜。

這種推拿方法很多時候和“刮痧”的方法結合一起應用。 患者取坐位,暴露刮痧部位,刮痧前在刮痧部位均匀涂抹刮痧油,首先刮拭背部開陽脈四穴: 大椎、大杼、膏盲、神堂,接着刮拭督脈和膀胱經、背部、肩部,尤其着重刮試患側肩髃、肩貞、肩井、肩前、肩外俞、肩中俞、肩髎、臂臑、臑俞、天宗、秉風、曲垣、臑會、手五裏,肝、脾、腎投影區,最後雙手心、雙脚掌心排毒,刮拭時手法要徐而和,刮拭過程中注意保暖。2 h /次,1 次/周,4周爲 1個療程,共治療 1 個療程。



2, 改變運動範圍,尤其是因爲肩關節疼痛引起的運動受限制。加上自己的鍛煉,可以很好地改變功能。

3, 可以避開用一些自己不喜歡的藥物,防止藥物引起的肝臟、腎臟的功能損害。

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